Bodrum’da iki barajın kuruması sonucunda, birçok mahallede yaşayan vatandaşlar tam 10 gündür su sıkıntısı çekiyor.
22 Ekim 2023

Bodrum, one of the world-famous tourism destinations in Muğla, has been facing a water shortage for the past 10 days due to the drying up of two dams. The residents, who are suffering from this situation, are waiting for a solution from the authorities. Meanwhile, Coşkun Ünlü, the Muhtar (neighborhood head) of Çırkan Neighborhood, continues to distribute water to the residents using his own tanker filled with water from wells.

The Mumcular and Geyik dams, which provide water to the city of Bodrum, have been closed down as they have dried up. As a result of this water crisis, intermittent water cuts have started to occur throughout the peninsula. In Çırkan Neighborhood, some houses have experienced water cuts lasting up to 10 days. In response to this situation, Coşkun Ünlü, the Muhtar of Çırkan Neighborhood, has started delivering water to the affected houses using his own tanker. The residents have been carrying water from the tanker and filling their containers such as bottles and jugs at their homes. Expressing their grievances due to the water crisis, the residents stated that they expect a solution to be found by the authorities as soon as possible.

Coşkun Ünlü, the Muhtar of Çırkan Neighborhood, said that there is a general water problem in Bodrum. He stated that they have been trying to raise awareness about this issue for 2 years but haven’t been heard. It was clear that these dams would dry up. Although municipal teams claim that they occasionally provide water, there is no pressure in it. As a result, household tanks cannot be filled. How can people meet their needs with only 3-5 hours of water? What era are we living in? This not only affects us but also tourism and businesses. Health-related problems have also started to arise.

Victoria Atiktaş, who hasn’t had water in her house for 9 days, said that they are unable to clean or cook. They are in a very difficult situation. They have been calling the authorities but with no result. Fortunately, we have the Muhtar who helped us by bringing a tanker. At least we can be comfortable for a few days. Apart from him, no one has come and asked about our problems or shown any interest. We would be satisfied if they could provide water at least once a week so that we can easily fill our tanks.